Extrusion International USA 6-2019

11 Extrusion International 6/2019 Registration opened on November 12 for the upcoming edition of PLAST–Triennial International Exhibition for the Plastics and Rubber Industries, which will take place from 4 May to 7 May 2021 at the FieraMilano Fairgrounds in Rho. In an increasingly globalized and fast-developing market, the processing industry has a constant need for cutting- edge processes, interconnected machinery meeting the highest safety standards, and high-performance recy- clable raw materials to produce articles for a broad ar- ray of essential applications: from packaging to automo- tive, from construction to electricity and electronics, from medical to agriculture. The upcoming edition of PLAST will once again feature the three satellite fairs, each dedicated to a sub-sector of excellence and its associated start-ups: RUBBER (in its fourth edition, dedicated to the world of elastomers, in collaboration with Assogomma), 3D PLAST (in its third edition, focusing on additive manufacturing and related technologies), and PLAST-MAT (second edition, exploring innovative plastics). The first exhibitors registered during the recent K 2019 in Düsseldorf and many others showed interest, taking ad- vantage of the early registration deadline of 10 February 2020, which entitles them to a 20% discount on the par- ticipation fee as well as priority stand assignments. www.plastonline.org 19th - 20th March 2020, Geneva Switzerland This main event of the European thermoforming industry will be organised again by the European Thermoforming Di- vision of the Society of Plastics Engineers. This conference, which is the sector’s most important plat- form for information and communications between decision makers in business, non-partisan experts from the sector, leading suppliers of solutions and the related scientific com- munity has established itself as the forum for thermoforming technology. Presentations, discussion workshops and an exhibition – where the focus will be on dialogue – all contribute to in- forming the participants from Europe and USA. The theme of the conference “Thermoforming for a Green Future” will act as a thread linking together the exhibitors, whether from the world of science, the supply sector or the applications business. The presentations will be comprehensive and all- 12th European Thermoforming Conference encompassing in terms of the materials, processes and ap- plications that they cover. The attendees will consist of a significant cross section of processors, end-users, material suppliers, tool makers, ma- chine and allied equipment suppliers. SPE - Societey of Plastics Engineers/ European Thermoforming Division www.e-t-d.org PLAST 2021: Registration is Open