Extrusion International USA 6-2021

21 Extrusion International 6/2021 located next to its of fi ce in Parma, Italy. The inspiring afternoon was fi lled with informative presentations and demos highlight- ing the company’s long-term plastics strategy, the purpose and goal of the new facility, and the numerous advantages it offers customers. Fabrizio Radice, VP and Head of Global Sales and Marketing at TOMRA Recycling, started the exclusive event and gave a detailed explanation of the rationale behind investing in a new Test Center. “We have observed an increasing demand for fl ake sorting tests and a strong market push for high- quality recycled plastics,” Radice told the large crowd. “This requires the purest material fractions across all plastics appli- cations, and the respective technologies and solutions need to be identi fi ed, developed, and optimized. This will happen in our new facility, while closely collaborating with our custom- ers and partners.” In fact, customer collaboration is at the core of the new facility. Customers from around the world can now ship their plastic fl akes to Parma. Together with their respective sales contact, thematerials are processed by TOMRA’s fl ake sortingmachines. Based on the test analysis and results, TOMRA will recommend the most suitable machine, process and sensor con fi guration for the customer’s de fi ned sorting requirements and goals. Customers are provided with an entire business case tailored to their needs before making an investment. TOMRA’s customers have been bene fi tting from this concept that has been offered globally (Germany, United States, Japan, Korea, China) for decades. They can now enjoy extended test- ing capacities, shorter lead times and greater fl exibility when it comes to scheduling tests. In addition, its location proves to be particularly convenient. Situated in Parma, at the hearth of one of Europe’s most important industrial and production regions, it can be easily reached via the international airports of Milan, Bologna, Verona and Bergamo. In the second part of his presentation, Radice, detailed why TOMRA is a ‘One Stop Shop Solution.’ First, TOMRA offers a vast portfolio of sensor-based sorters for various applications with AUTOSORT® and its application-speci fi c complementary products at its core. In the plastics segment, AUTOSORT offers technologies for both presorting and fl ake sorting that work in unisonwitheachother andallowgreater operational and fi nan- cial bene fi ts. Second, going beyond technology, customers and partners pro fi t from TOMRA’s in-depth application knowledge, invaluable consultancy expertise and ongoing service support. The alignment of machines combined with vast expertise and a one-stop service translates intomaximumplant performance. TOMRA Sorting GmbH www.tomra.com/recycling