Extrusion International 6-2022-USA

21 Extrusion International 6/2022 track record of continuous investment in that vision. This long experience in materials technology, innovation, and a relentless focus on quality and consistency enables GCR to partner with companies to deliver practical and realis- tic answers to sustainability questions. When brand owners think about using recycled plas- tics, they are often concerned about issues such as consis- tency of supply, traceability and whether the mechanical performance can match the virgin polymers they current- ly use. For many development engineers, reaching future internal and external sustainability targets is increasingly challenging. However, GCR’s existing CICLIC up-cycled products and ‘co-creation’ approach to customisation can solve these problems. The CICLIC -polyolefins are based on up-cycling fully traceable waste streams and can deliver similar and con- sistent material properties as the virgin plastic. By replac- ing virgin plastic with these grades, Carbon Footprint cer- tification can be 60 to 80% lower without compromising performance and quality. GCR believes companies facing sustainability challenges can find the answers through GCR’s products and long experience. GCR’s extensive experience in polymer materials tech- nology helps develop customised solutions in partnership with suppliers and end customers in a collaborative part- nership. The new production plant is complemented by a recently opened Innovation Hub with ‘Co-creation’ space, enabling the development of new formulations and the production and testing of compounds on a pilot plant. GCR gcrgroup.es GCR accelerates investment with new recycling plant to support circular economy