Extrusion International 6-2022-USA

59 Extrusion International 6/2022 Shredder integrated plastic recycling machine Extruder can process Raffia in-house waste in one step The reusability of recycled pellets has become more important than ever for plastic producers who re- cycle and reprocess their in-house waste. Besides packaging film pro- ducers, woven bag producers now also require higher quality recycling (minimal material degradation) to reduce production costs as much as possible. The Repro-One recycling tech- nology from POLYSTAR is a combi- nation of shredder, extruder, and pelletizer in one machine. This one- step, powerful (shredder) yet gen - tle (low processing temperature) process produces the best possible pellets quality at the lowest opera- tion cost, enabling the producers to reuse all of the pellets back in PP tape extrusion lines. In India, the requirement for more advanced recycling machines is ris- ing, especially for PP raffia, woven bags, and FIBC producers who need to process their internal waste. More than 105 Repro-One recycling machines have been installed in the sector of India alone, and 350 more around the globe. Less expensive to maintain, faster delivery Lower maintenance cost is a key advantage of using a POLYSTAR. The cost of consumable parts is 2.5~3 times lower compared to European machine suppliers of similar built quality. With the new (third) facility in Tai - wan, POLYSTAR has been able to bet- ter serve their customers with faster machine delivery time and in-time spare parts support; keeping a large number of critical machine compo- nents in stock. For standardized ma- chine models from POLYSTAR, the lead time is only 4 to 6 months. As the demand for recycling ma- chines remains strong, POLYSTAR continues to prepare in-stock recy- cling machines and spare parts to avoid long delivery times, providing their worldwide customers with sim- ple solutions. The Author: Jack Lin POLYSTAR MACHINERY CO., LTD www.prm-taiwan.com Double-stage Plastic Recycling Machine with Cutter Compactor Integrated Plastic Recycling System with Shredder Integrated Plastic Machine Manufacturer in Taiwan