Extrusion International 6-2022-USA

65 Extrusion International 6/2022 a patented system that only needs air to manufacture PVC-O pipes and fittings, achieving important savings that contribute, at the same time, to optimize the use of natural resources. The result of all this technologi- cal system is the new diameter of 1,200 mm, capable of transporting up to 2424 litres per second, that is 8728 m 3 /h, with a velocity of 2,4 m/s. It means that we can use this pipe for supplying water between cities, replacing traditional materials and increasing the useful life of the actual networks. Together with the new diameter, Molecor presented geoTOM ® . The new application was well-received by the visitors, who could try on it also in the stand thanks to a device that was installed by the company. geoTOM ® was born to revolution- ize the transport of water sector through the geolocalization of the pieces in a network. In other words, thanks to the new application, you will be able to determine where one pipe or fitting is, even if it is from other manufacturer, and, whenever you need, you will be able to find it easily thanks to the use of GPS in your smartphone. In addition, geoTOM ® allows to work in team and make notices about incidents on the net- work, trying to get a quick response for them. To make more complete this ap- plication, the ecoFITTOM ® fittings and TOM ® pipes have printed a QR code that offers complete techni- cal information about them through geoTOM ® . Right now, geoTOM ® is avail- able for Android and Apple devices through Play Store and Apple Store. The importance of the novelties is so that one of them was selected for the prestigious INOVYN Awards. They were presented and given at the end of its ceremony, which were placed on 20th October. Between more than fifty candidates, Molecor was awarded in the Silver category “Value for Society” with the new TOM ® PVC-O DN1200 mm diameter pipe launched thanks to the continu- ous efforts of the company for pro- viding the market with efficient so - lutions for the conveyance of water under pressure. From the first day of the fair, Mo- lecor was one of the centre of at- tention thanks to these two great novelties. Both were presented in an official way by the Chief Execu- tive Officer of the company, Ignacio Muñoz, during a conference offered during the event, where there was a great audience. Together with the novelties, Ignacio showed the daily work of the company and its pillars; a work that will go on being devel- oped to achieve new goals and to continue providing the market with the latest innovations within the wa- ter sector. Molecor www.molecor.com