Extrusion 1-2017

13 Extrusion 1/2017 PROCESS CONTROL GmbH Maschinen für die Kunststoffindustrie ➠ Institut für Werkstofftechnik Kunststofftechnik, Universität Kassel www.ifw-kassel.de 21 - 22 March 2017, Kassel, Germany All users and manufacturers as well as customers who use plastics in interiors are invited to participate in this confe- rence, in particular the automotive indus- try and suppliers, home furnishing produ- cer, building facilities and flooring, consu- mer products and packaging industries, Odour and Emissions of Plastic Materials ➠ www.rigk.de/forum/anmeldung/ anmeldeformular.html RIGK GmbH , www.rigk.de 26. - 28.4.2017, Wiesbaden Veranstalter der zweiten Auflage des 2015 erstmals durchgeführten Interna- tionalen Recycling-Forums zum Thema „Agricultural Plastics – Potential for Re- cycling” ist wieder die RIGK GmbH in Kooperation mit der European Associa- tion of Plastics Recycling & Recovery Or- ganisations (epro). Und wieder liegt der Fokus auf dem Recycling von Agrar- kunststoffen. Des Weiteren werden ak- tuelle politische Themen des Kunststoff- recyclings im Allgemeinen behandelt. Ei- ne begleitende Ausstellung bietet weiter- führende Informationen aus der Bran- che. Tagungssprache ist Englisch. Anmel- dungen sind möglich unter: ➠ Adsale Exhibition Services Ltd www.ChinaplasOnline.com medical devices etc. The lectures will be held in German and English. Simulta- neous translation German/English and English/German will be provided. The growing demand for medical de- vices by the huge population in recent years, the rise of emerging markets and the ageing society is triggering a re- newed growth of the medical device market. China’s healthcare industry is at a stage of abundant potentials, but is at the same time having a low level of tech- nology, prompting manufacturers to find adaptive solutions to existing production lines and cost pressures. New and better materials are the key to the future deve- lopment of medical enterprises. The concurrent event Medical Plastics Conference has been held successfully in the past two years, receiving very posi- tive feedbacks from the industry. The 3rd Medical Plastics Conference, to be held in the afternoon of May 17 and in the morning of May 18, 2017, will bring to- gether the upstream and downstream sectors of the industry to discuss the la- test applications of medical plastics and cutting-edge production technology.