Extrusion 1-2017

48 kompakt Extrusion 1/2017 ➠ ZUMBACH Electronic AG www.zumbach.com ducts, hydraulic hoses, etc. RAYEX ® S measures and controls diameter, ovality, wall thickness and eccentricity of single and multilayer products with up to four layers. It provides precise measuring va- lues and highest reliability for pipe and hoses with an outside diameter of up to 80mm. The system features the latest X- ray technology and software solutions. In combination with the data aquisition and processor system, an automatic con- trol of the line is possible. By controlling line speed or extruder speed the parame- ters are controlled to the nominal value. In order for a manufacturer to select the measurement and control solution with the best price-performance ratio, the suitable technology must be chosen. After many years of experience in using eccentricity gauges with X-rays and ul- trasonic, laser diameter and inductive measurement devices for different pro- ducts and material, ZUMBACH expand the X-RAY family for dedicated tube and hose applications. ZUMBACH’s static X-ray system RAYEX ® S has especially been developed for any kind of foamed pipe, vulcanized pro- RAYEX ® S – X-Ray Measurement Technology for Single and Multilayer Products Measuring unit RAYEX ® S CEO-but their willing to invest in new projects in the short term has been even more important. Since almost 40 years we are dealing with all countries around the world and we are ready to give cus- tomized answers and complete projects adding value to our customer’s pro- duct”. Friul Filiere has taken the opportunity to show its most attractive news, first of all TUBEASY-last patented technology dedi- cated to the pipe world: easy and simple, it takes only two screws to reach the per- “The number of deals, as well as the many concrete enquiries about new pro- jects exceed general expectations on K2016! It was clear from day one that customers wanted to not only find out about new technologies but also pur- chase them”. Friul Filiere confirms its positive result and it’s proud to say visitors have been its welcome guests travelling from more than 60 countries around the world. “The number of visitors has been impor- tant-says Valdi Artico, President and Positive Results at Last Years K Show fect centring. Thanks to this technology the starting phase of production be- comes fast and it is possible to save time and money reducing the scraps. “We were very excited at the positive response TUBEASY technology received: the live demonstrations that took place three or more times per day, were always very crowded”, continues Artico. TUBEASY seems to be intitled to become one of Friul Filiere’s highlights of 2017. But it’s not the only one. The most re- cent complete plants carried out for in- ternational customers have been presen- ted in Düsseldorf and they concern high- The display shows all measurement va- lues numerically and graphically as well as trends and statistical data. A line pre- sentation with pictograms of the con- nected devices provides a clear overview to the operator. At thhe same time, the system reduces the wall thickness to a minimum value. Quality assurance and the reduction of material lead to a signi- ficant increase of productivity. Key Features and Advantages • High stability and accuracy - Repeatability typically with in ± 0.02 mm • Measuring frequency up to 10 Hz (in standard mode) • Simple concept and easy to use - 4 wall thickness points, 2 diameters, ovality - 2 X-ray sources positioned at a 90° angle - No recalibration is necessary but can be done if required - Integrated exhaust device for keeping measuring windows always clean • High safety level of the X-ray sources - Unique screening concept - Minimal scatter, no lead inside the equipment - Outside radiation level meets national and international standards • X-ray sources - Extremely robust and stable - Easy to exchange, no realignment - No water cooling required