Extrusion 1-2019

13 Extrusion 1/2019 PROCESS CONTROL GmbH Maschinen für die Kunststoffindustrie ➠ Global Recycling Foundation www.globalrecyclingfoundation.org Global Recycling Foundation. It sees in- ternational industries coming together to drive global behaviour change towards recycling. Globally, recycling is projected to contribute over $500 billion to global GDP by 2025, providing millions of jobs globally and saving close to 1 billion n The Dutch Waste Management Asso- ciation (DWMA), the Dutch Industrial Se- condary Raw Materials Association for construction and civil engineering (VIB), the Dutch recycling federation FHG and the Swedish Recycling Industries’ Asso- ciation (SRI) have announced their status as ‘ Founding Friends ’ of the Global Recy- cling Foundation, becoming some of the earliest donors of the foundation. During the Nordic Economy Summit 2019, they pledged their support to the Global Recycling Foundation’s Founding President, Ranjit S. Baxi. The Global Re- cycling Foundation was established in October 2018 to promote and encoura- ge recycling across the world. The recy- cling and reuse of waste materials is con- sidered to be a crucial element in the transition to the circular economy. The Dutch waste and recycling associati- ons are supporting the Global Recycling Foundation because they want to contri- bute to the worldwide structural shift from landfill to recycling. The alliance of the organisations is an initiative of the Dutch Waste Management Association (DWMA). Managing director Robbert Loos commented: “As a partner in the circular economy, for us it is a logical step to join the Global Recycling Foundation. The mission of the Foundation is to send a powerful message that recycling must be promoted more effectively world- wide. We hope that many more organi- sations and countries will join. And pro- motion and support is urgently needed. In a recently published report the World Bank has calculated that in the coming decades the generation of municipal so- lid waste alone is expected to rise from 2 to 3.5 billion tonnes per year. If we do not invest in change now, most of this waste will be landfilled or dumped.’’ In supporting the Global Recycling Foun- dation, the Swedish and Dutch recycling sectors underline the ambitions of inter- national institutions such as the United Nations, the World Resources Institute and the European Union to speed up the transition to a circular and sustainable economy. Ranijt S. Baxi, Founding Presi- dent of the Global Recycling Foundation: “Today is a milestone moment for the Dutch and Swedish Recycling Industries pledge Support to Global Recycling Foundation tonnes of CO 2 emissions by 2030. I stron- gly believe that recycling, positioned as our vital Seventh Resource, must take centre-stage for its contribution in preser- ving the future of our planet.”