Extrusion 1-2019

schnell, sicher und hermetisch dicht zu- sammenfügen. Das System mit kompak- tem Laserkopf und separatem Schalt- schrank ist für den Dreischichtbetrieb mit hohen Stückzahlen ausgelegt. Durch umfangreiche Automatisierungsschnitt- stellen lässt sich das Inline-System ein- fach und schnell in Fertigungslinien und MES integrieren. Für das Fügen von Kunststoffbauteilen in voll automatisierter Fertigungsumge- bung hat LPKF Laser & Electronics erst- mals auf der Fakuma 2018 die neue Ge- neration des Laser-Kunststoffschweißsys- tems InlineWeld 6600 vorgestellt. Diese Neuentwicklung fokussiert auf Effizienz, Aufwandsminimierung und Qualitätssi- cherung für den Anwender. Mit dem universell einsetzbaren, standar- disieren Schweißsystem LPKF InlineWeld 6600 lassen sich Kunststoffbauteile Integriert, leistungsstark, effizient The multifunctional digital high-end sensor CCD CAM 100 from BST eltromat supports a wide range of different applications in quality assurance for the tire industry with a high physical resolutions, outstanding speed, and extremely simple operation and setup Thanks to the modular structure, PROSo- lutions can be configured flexibly in ac- cordance with the modular principle for various tasks within quality assurance for tire manufacturing. The innovative plat- form integrates and visualizes any num- ber of regulation and measuring stations in calenders, extruders, cutting units, pre-assembling, tire building machines and more, via a uniform user interface. Via this interface, the machine operators have an overview of the whole quality assurance system and can manage it. Using the touch monitor from PROSolu- tions, operators can switch quickly and easily between different applications, can access information about quality as- surance conveniently, parameterize the sensors, or carry out such tasks as mak- ing camera settings. In short, PROSolu- tions offers machine operators the high- est level of operating convenience and maximum production security. The plat- form can be implemented on new ma- chines and can also be retrofitted. It is al- so open to integration of solutions from other manufacturers as well. “PROSolutions represents the collection of know-how that BST eltromat has ob- tained in four decades of web-process- ing quality assurance in various indus- tries. This allows the tire industry to pro- fit from the experiences of other sec- tors,” explains Klaus Hamacher, Head of Automation at BST eltromat. This is a de- cisive advantage offered to customers by the innovative visualization and operat- ing platform. BST eltromat will make that clear in Ha- nover using two demo units with sample configurations. The focus is an installa- tion that shows the interaction between several PROSolutions function modules with four CCD CAM 100 cameras. With a flat screen, various webs and the latest quality assurance tasks in thickness, width, length, and angle measurement can be simulated. One more example of an application is the all-over hole detec- tion on webs. The multifunctional digital high-end sensor CCD CAM 100 deve- loped by BST eltromat supports a wide range of different applications with a physical resolution of 3 x 10,000 pixels, outstanding speed of up to 10 kHz, and extremely simple operation and setup. The breadth of the sensor offering is a pillar of the market success of BST eltro- mat’s quality assurance system. In Hano- ver, the company will also provide infor- mation about sensors for layer thickness and basis weight measurements produc- ed by its business unit BST ProControl. These sensors are also used throughout the tire industry. An additional topic is the laser position- ing systems made by the laser specialist BST eltromat International www.bst.group 52 kompakt Extrusion 1/2019 LAP GmbH Laser Applikationen, with which BST eltromat has worked in part- nership for many years. The lasers from LAP are integrated in tire building ma- chines, where projected laser lines are used to attain precise alignment of the individual rubber layers. At Tire Techno- logy Expo 2019, BST eltromat will pre- sent the LASERMarker 1000, which, thanks to a fixed central laser, can make use of one or two moveable line lasers. This laser positioning system can be used just as flexibly. Transmissionsmessgeraet TMG 3