Extrusion 2-2019

23 Extrusion 2/2019 ➠ Tecnova S.r.l. www.tecnovarecycling.it economical bans. We also see China and Turkey signing partnership agreement with Russia. One cannot call it encourag- ing news for us. Besides, a different ex- change rate compared to that one 3 to 4 years ago made it impossible for many Russian companies to afford buying Eu- ropean machinery. One should have very unique technology to keep competitive here. Still we think Russia is a perspective market for us. Our core business is extruders for plastics recycling. In Russia recycling business is still developing. So we are here to ex- pand our business for post consumer re- Ferdinando Caridi, Sales Manager at Tecnova S.r.l., speaks about peculiari- ties of the Russian market. Tecnova has been participating in Inter- plastica for many years. It is an inter- esting market yet a special one. It has some peculiarities because of mentality of Russian customers. It is very important to have local support or a sales office with a Russian team to continue the rela- tionship between the company and the customer. Besides, it is not an easy period for busi- ness here due to political situation and Russia is an interesting yet special market cycling. We witness consumers in Russia start sorting waste and get used to the idea of recycling. This is the first step. We hope that in future the demand for recy- cling machines will be growing here. Ferdinando Caridi Interview with Ferdinando Caridi, Sales Manager at Tecnova S.r.l. ➠ GN Thermoforming Equipment www.gnplastics.com leader here. It has 50 GN machines. This is where our promotion to the Russian market began and then proceeded to other regions. Now most transparent packaging manufacturers have machines made by GN. As for our worldwide activities, our equipment is supplied to 75 countries, including the USA, Canada, Europe, Co- lombia, Chile, Argentina, Mexico, New Zealand, China, the Middle East. The USA is a very important market for us. Latin America is an interesting market with its own peculiarities. The Mexican market seems very similar to the Russian one, as transparent packaging is also widespread there. Speaking about global market trends, we are pleased with the intent to use en- vironmentally friendly solutions. Most of the world-known producers, such as Danone, claim that by 2025 they will stick to manufacturing packaging made of recyclable polymers only. Thereby, GN Thermoforming Equipment exhi- bits its technologies at Interplastica every year. Marek Nikiforov, Global Key Account Manager, spoke about the company's prospects on the thermoforming equipment market. We have been producing thermoforming machines for 40 years. GN Thermoform- ing Equipment is headquartered in Cana- da. We also have GN EUROPE Thermo- forming technical center in the Czech Republic. There we provide training and materials tests. For instance, Milliken, a material supplier many of our customers order from, often takes a chance of this opportunity. In Russia, we have been marketing our products since 1995 and at the moment we have a strong position in the thermo- forming equipment marketplace. Our application focus is thermoforming trays, containers and offsets. In Russia Komus- Upakovka company is considered to be a We are pleased with the trend towards environmentally friendly solutions some companies turn to collecting not only PET bottles for recycling needs but packaging waste as well. Therefore, we strive to sell more equipment for PET packaging manufacture. At Interplastica we presented our GN 800 machine. It is reliable and is being sold quite successfully. Now it is the major technology for transparent packaging production marketed by GN. GN Thermo- forming Equipment has won the Russian market long ago. So 70 to 80% of our activities at the trade show are meetings with regular customers and only 20% are new contacts. Naturally, we intend to come to Interplastica next year as well. Marek Nikiforov Interview with Marek Nikiforov, Global Key Account Manager at GN Thermoforming Equipment