Extrusion 3-2018

12 Branche Intern Extrusion 3/2018 ➠ PROMAPLAST srl plastonline.org many tops the list in terms of both for- eign exhibitors and foreign visitors at PLAST) is purchased by converters all over the world who require high-tech ca- pabilities to produce large volumes of quality products with optimal precision. PLAST 2018 thus offers economic opera- tors a full-spectrum technological show- case addressing all the various producti- on processes (from extrusion to blow- moulding, from thermoforming to injec- tion moulding) and applications (packag- ing, automotive, medical, construction, etc.). Given the excellent performance of Itali- an exports in the industry and recovery in the domestic market, participants have every right to expect rewarding business opportunities at PLAST 2018, with their order books swelling significantly directly at the fair. Again this year, PLAST will feature satelli- te fairs dedicated to three sub-sectors of excellence: RUBBER (in its third edition), 3D PLAST (focusing on additive manu- facturing and related technologies, now in its second edition) and PLAST-MAT (first edition, dedicated to innovative pla- stics). A jam-packed schedule of technical se- minars and company meetings is in the works, providing a full-spectrum view of the latest in materials, processes, machi- nery and services. These conferences, combined with the breadth of the exhi- bits, will draw in not only professionals working in the field but also young people seeking a place in the job market. But that’s not all. In keeping with traditi- on, the Art & Plastics area of PLAST 2018 will feature a splash of colour, with ar- tists exhibiting works they have created using plastic, providing a further demon- stration of the versatility of this material. 29 May to 1 June 2018, Milan, Italy n PLAST 2018 will be the preeminent European event this year for the plastics and rubber industry, embracing the whole chain from raw materials to semi- finished and finished products, from ma- chinery and equipment to support ser- vices. And, quite rightly, once again this year the fair enjoys the sponsorship of the Italian Ministry of Economic Develop- ment. The international scope of this triennial tradeshow, now in its eighteenth edi- tion, is confirmed by the impressive num- bers of foreign exhibitors and visitors. With three months to go before opening day, a total of 1,100 exhibitors have re- gistered for PLAST 2018. Of these, 870 are direct exhibitors (one third of them foreign, representing more than forty countries and growth of 21% in number and 24% in space allocation) and 230 are represented. A total of 52,000 square metres of exhibition space has been assigned. PLAST reflects the preeminent global po- sition of the Italian plastics and rubber processing machinery, equipment and moulds industry, which forms the core of the exhibition. Over 70% of national production – which hit a new all-time re- cord value of 4.5 billion euros in 2017 according to figures from the trade asso- ciation AMAPLAST, produced by 900 manufacturers employing some 14,000 people – is exported. Italian technology (as well as that pro- duced in Germany, Italy’s main global competitor in the sector – indeed Ger- PLAST 2018 PLAST 2015 Alessandro Grassi, President of Proma- plast srl: “Exhibitor expectations are quite positive, with growth particularly in the number of foreign exhibitors, providing further confirmation of the growing international stature of the exhibition, which will be Europe’s most important tradeshow for the sector in 2018, as underscored by the continuing sponsorship of the Italian Ministry of Economic Development.” Von der PET Flasche direkt zur Verpackung – Open House von AMUT und EREMA n Von 28. bis 31. Mai 2018 laden AMUT und EREMA ein, den geschlosse- nen Materialkreislauf von PET hautnah mitzuerleben. Im AMUT Headquarter in Novara, Italien, werden gewaschene Post Consumer PET Bottle Flakes im Live-Be- trieb direkt zu lebensmittelechter Tief- ziehfolie verarbeitet. Aus dieser rPET Fo- lie werden auf der parallel stattfinden- den Plast Milan Tiefziehschalen für den Lebensmittelbereich produziert. “Energieeinsparung, Erhaltung des IV Wertes sowie geringere Logistik- und Prozesskosten im Sinne einer höheren Profitabilität sind unschlagbare Argu- mente, die den Trend hin zur Direktverar- beitung zu lebensmittelechtem PET so rasant vorantreiben“, ist AMUT CEO Piergianni Milani, überzeugt. Immerhin fällt durch den direkten Zusammen- Startschuss für neue Vorführanlage AMUT CEO Piergianni Milani