Extrusion 4-2017

chines recognize the new conditions and adapt and recalculate the necessary transport time. ONE WIRE 6 can manage up to a total of 80 users such as receivers, up to eight suction units and manual and/or auto- parameters for suction and pipe cleaning time manually. ONE WIRE 6 is able to de- tect changes in material type and feed- ing segment changes to automatically adjust the suction and pipe cleaning pa- rameters instantaneously. In turn the ma- 27 Extrusion 4/2017 MORETTO S.p.A. Via dell'artigianato, 3 35010 Massanzago (PD) - Italy Phone: +39 049 9396711 www.moretto.com matic manifold units. Included with the system is a 15” colour touch screen user interface, which offers a configurable program for precautionary maintenance. The previously mentioned Master 600 wireless controller can also be added as needed. Both the ONE WIRE 3 and ONE WIRE 6 can be further connected with Moretto’s MOWIS integrated supervising system which provides for centralized and re- mote management of all Moretto equip- ment installed plant wide. EXA, ONE WIRE 3 and ONE WIRE 6 are all Moretto OMS&P, Original Moretto Systems & People, products and the re- sult of significant development into de- veloping centralized feeding systems that fit every dimension of a customer’s specific needs. The EXA and ONE WIRE series are a further effort assist our cus- tomers in recovering time dedicated to practicality in order to provide more time toward quality. F E D - M FEDDEM GmbH & Co. KG Ein Unternehmen der Feddersen-Gruppe 53489 Sinzig Tel. +49 2642 90781-30 www.feddem.com Die FED-MTS erreicht durch die einzigartige Schneckengeometrie ihrer Aufschmelz- und Einmischelemente, dass das Produkt genügend lange verweilen kann, um die notwendige Energie ohne Temperaturspitzen aufzunehmen. Überragende Produktqualität, speziell bei thermisch sensitiven Compounds