Extrusion 4-2017

iNOEX GmbH www.inoex.de Firmen in diesem Heft / Firms in this issue Impressum Branche intern / Industry Internals Messtechnik: WARP portable – das innovative Handmessgerät für Wanddicken- und Durchmessermessung an Kunststoffrohren Material Handling: The Next Revolution in Conveying Polymer Processing: Portfolio of Pelletizers has Systems for every Type of Operation Extrusion Technology: Everything under Control – Geringster Material- einsatz, präzise Profilgeometrien, kürzere Anfahrzeiten Titel 06 07 08 24 26 28 31 Continuous evolution in resin conveying systems has pushed manufacturers in recent years to release additio- nal new features, such as pipe cleaning management for conveying regrind material, self-cleaning receiver filters and loading failure alarms. All of these features have now become standard in modern centralized systems and pose the question, what is the next evolution to come to market? 26 Inhal t 04 In this Issue Extrusion 4/2017