Extrusion 5-2017

each material element to designated storage, such as exter- nal and internal silos, bins and storage containers. It con- tinuously manages the data, events, and records of each storage container. • COOLING 4.0 : X COOLER. The new modular and expandable Moretto range of refrigeration and temperature control systems are able to fully integrate into cooling management systems by collecting data directly from consumers. • SUPERVISING 4.0 : MOWIS. This integrated supervision software represents the most comprehensive and secure system for the supervision of processes dedicated to the transformation of plastics, real-time monitoring, and in-depth analysis of increasingly interactive and predictive data and reports. MOWIS is an in- tegrated software package able to give both input and out- put and it can be managed by remote control. MOWIS is de- signed to be able to control the entire plant, the complete automation chain, and send the output to the system ma- naging the production in real time. The Moretto 4.0 project confirms the responsiveness of a company that makes customized manufacturing as its own strength and ready to face the challenge to move the indus- try from fragmented services to an interconnected supply chain model. 25 Extrusion 5/2017 MORETTO S.p.A. Via dell'artigianato, 3 - 35010 Massanzago (PD) - Italy Phone: +39 049 9396711 marketing@moretto.com , www.moretto.com FED-MTS FEDDEM GmbH & Co. KG Ein Unternehmen der Feddersen-Gruppe 53489 Sinzig Tel. +49 2642 90781-30 www.feddem.com Die FED-MTS erreicht durch die einzigartige Schneckengeometrie ihrer Aufschmelz- und Einmischelemente, dass das Produkt genügend lange verweilen kann, um die notwendige Energie ohne Temperaturspitzen aufzunehmen. Überragende Produktqualität, speziell bei thermisch sensitiven Compounds Gramixo, continuous loss-in-weight dosing system