Extrusion 6-2017

15 Extrusion 6/2017 '% ' ," , $ , , & , , ! ! ()' , , , () !# '%, , , !% & ! +)'*(!&% , ! +)'*(!&% , ➠ BASF SE, www.basf.com n ‘ Material Selection 17/18 ’ heißt das zweite Material-Trendbuch von BASF, das eine globale Perspektive auf Trends und Materialien zugleich bietet. Darin vorge- stellt werden innovative Kunststofflösun- gen, mit denen Kunden diesen Trends begegnen können. Das Trendbuch wur- de erstmals gemeinsam von den Exper- ten der designfabrik ® in Tokio, Schanghai und Ludwigshafen entwickelt. Die Trendforscher und Designer des Kunst- stoffbereichs aus beiden Regionen gingen gemeinsam vor, um für Kunden Denkan- stöße und Inspiration für zukünftige Pro- duktentwicklungen bereit zu halten. Die Trendstudie richtet sich exklusiv an Designer und Kreative bei Kunden und potentiellen Kunden und wird nur in Ver- bindung mit einer persönlichen Präsenta- tion übergeben. Material-Trendbuch ➠ Total Refining & Chemicals www.polymers.total.com ... in the Circular Economy World n Total has just completed an industrial scale test run, following a series of pilot plant trials, demonstrating the feasibility of sustainable incorporation of about 20% of post-consumer recycled polysty- rene within virgin polystyrene. The trial, which was carried out on an existing production asset, successfully led to pro- duct with properties equivalent to virgin polymer. “Polystyrene is one of the easiest poly- mers to recycle,” explains Jean Vialle- font, Vice President Polymer Europe. “Our success highlights that polystyrene, New Routes for Post-Consumer Recycled Polystyrene ... which naturally provides outstanding performance for various applications, will be a significant contributor to the Circular Economy. It is unquestionably an innovative way to enlarge the accessible market for recycled polystyrene and to convert a large volume of post-consumer waste.” Based on this encouraging result, Total is launching new developments to manage contamination of recycled streams. The objective is to create a robust process in order to handle complex polystyrene waste streams that can be implemented on our different existing production lines.