Extrusion 6-2019

23 Extrusion 6/2019 ➠ Milliken chemical.milliken.com, www.milliken.com product design. The Connected Comfort se- lection sets out to understand and encapsu- late the modern consumer's journey through color associations. These trending colors are: Terra Mundo, FirstLove, Purple Dreaming, Planet Green, Relaxing Blue and Green Dawn. The Connected Comfort palette, represented by the above six trend colors for 2020, provi- des a design and marketing roadmap into the sometimes elusive consumer journey. Liquitint™ : Milliken, through its Liquitint co- lorants, is a global leader in providing brands with the right tools to address these trends and perpetually evolving color needs. Through its 12 basic colorants, powerful co- lors and outstanding processability can be achieved with Liquitint polymeric colorants. ClearTint™ : Milliken’s ClearTint colorants for transparent polypropylene, clarified with Mil- lad ® NX™ 8000, combine the attractiveness Kunststoff- zerkleinerung ohne viel Lärm sehr ef zient einfach und sicher Unsere Lösung für Sie! www.getecha.de Getecha GmbH Am Gemeindegraben 13 63741 Aschaffenburg Tel: 06021-8400-0 info@getecha.de Besuchen Sie uns auf der K 2019 16. - 23.10.2019 Halle 9 Stand A 21 of clarity with the superior aesthetics of non- nucleating polymeric colorants. ClearTint is not a pigment or a dye; so colors do not bleed of from the clarified PP – making it compliant with safety requirements for food packaging. Keyplast ® : Keyplast colorants, used in plas- tics by masterbatch producers, compounders and resin producers offer a vast spectrum of stable and reproducible colors suitable for use with a wide range of resins. The multitude of applications which Keyplast colorants are ef- fectively used in food contact applications, toys, high heat technical applications and the polymers include: PET, PBT, polycarbonate, polystyrene and different types of polyamid- es. ➠ Perstorp Holding AB www.perstorp.com phthalate plasticizer. It is the perfect choice for sensitive applications and products in di- rect human contact. Pevalen has a unique performance not matched by any other gene- ral-purpose plasticizer with high plasticizing efficiency in combination with low migration and volatility. “Global demand for non-phthalate plastici- zers is predicted to continue to grow at about 100.000 tons per year”, said Markus Jönsson, Vice President Plasticizers, Perstorp. Based on this forecast, Perstorp is substantially expan- ding the production capacity of Pevalen from 2019 onwards. Perstorp has entered into a long-term production agreement with the Ita- lian company Alcoplast Srl.. The new partner- ship more than doubles cur- rent production capacity, bringing it in total to 50.000 tons per year. n As of end of May, Perstorp has obtained FCN 001967 (Food Contact Notification) from the FDA for the use of Pevalen™ as a plastici- zer in polyvinyl chloride (PVC) polymers for use in repeated-use food contact articles. “The food contact notification will further strengthen the offer to the North American market which we believe will be a major growth region for a product like Pevalen, as it helps flexible PVC producers design products that meet the highest national regulatory re- quirements, without sacrificing performance or quality”, said Jenny Klevås, Product Ma- nager, Perstorp. Pevalen (pentaerythritol tetravalerate or PETV) is Perstorp’s high-performance, true non- FDA Approval for Food Contact Applications obtained Perstorp’s non-phthalate PVC plasticizer, Pevalen™, obtains FDA approval for food contact applications (Photo: Shutterstock)