Extrusion 7-2018

➠ plasticWOOD.it Srl www.plasticwood.it Since the beginning in 2001 the compa- ny was involved in the production of WPC (WOOD PLASTIC COMPOSITE). plasticWOOD works with respect and protection of the environment. The com- pany looks for those, like they share this concept by creating innovative and sus- tainable product for the market. For this reason plasticWOOD combined natural fibers with thermoplastic polymers creat- ing unique compounds. The wood that is used comes from selected production scraps avoiding any tree-chopping. plasticWOOD usually use fir wood flour, although the company’s interest in re- search and development has lead them to also test rice and corn straw, apple peel production waste, olive stones and many other vegetable fibres available in the agricultural sector, which being waste products makes the LCA of their product even more positive. This wood type having been selected for its very light colour, which makes it possible to assure production continuity, avoiding colour variations of the natural fibre as much as possible. It is important emphasize the complete recyclability on the production chain of plasticWOODs compounds. One of the company’s focus is to produce solution that respect the environment. plasticWOOD’s products have something more compare to traditional thermoplas- tics. The percentage of wood which en- riches the polymer allows to obtain origi- nal and natural finishing, together with the finished product scent. WPC pro- ducts have the qualities of wood, with- out the defects: so that these materials are particularly appreciated for their re- sistance to the elements, corrosion and mould, and for their capacity for retain- ing their mechanical properties through time. The plasticWOOD compound fits existing processing technologies for traditional thermoplastics. In addition unlike the composites with mineral fillers, this com- pound minimize the wear of the machi- nery. To obtain a very good result the company suggests a drying pre-treat- ment process before processing in order to improve the final aesthetic effect and to avoid any surface scarfing, caused by any eventual humidity residue. Umgebung entweder saubere Schnitte oder hochfeste Fügeverbindungen ent- stehen. Der Prozess ist zuverlässig und si- cher, da das Ultraschallverfahren nur von wenigen Parametern abhängt, die an- wendungsspezifisch eingestellt und überwacht werden. Der Ultraschallspe- zialist Telsonic bietet jetzt die neue Steuerungssoftware TelsoFlex mit neuem 12“-Touchpanel an ( ), die Ultraschall- systeme der Baureihe USP und TSP fit für Industrie 4.0 macht. n Mehr Effizienz durch Visualisie- rung und hohen Vernetzungsgrad: Schweißen und Trennschweißen mit Ultraschall hat sich heute in vielen Bran- chen als wirtschaftliches und schonendes Verfahren bewährt, weil bei geringer thermischer Belastung von Produkt und Telsonic A4-4112 So kann der Bildschirm des Panels bei- spielsweise an einen Arbeitsplatz außer- halb der Produktion übertragen und auch von dort aus in vollem Umfang be- dient werden. Der Benutzer sieht die Echtzeit-Daten aus der Produktion, kann auf Schweißresultate zugreifen, Daten auf Netzwerklaufwerken oder anderen Speichermedien sichern und Datensätze manuell oder automatisiert in die Pro- duktion laden. Auch können mehrere Schweißsysteme auf die gleichen Daten- 68 Preview Extrusion 7/2018