Extrusion 7-2019

101 Extrusion 7/2019 Control and Automation Plastic Blown Films Extrusion n Extrusion is a relevant sector in con- tinuous expansion with constant growth rates and ever-increasing applications. Nowadays, over 40% of the world's pla- stic material is processed through the ex- trusion process. In particular, the production of blown films represents a very important market share, above all in food packaging, where films with up to eleven layers are produced. Extrusion of blown films re- quires particular skills and high professio- nalism, it is in this specific application that Contrex automations demonstrate their best performance. In occasion of the K fair, the most impor- tant exhibition of technologies for the transformation of plastic materials, Moretto will dedicate an entire exhibiti- on stand to Contrex brand products, the Group's brand specialized in the produc- tion of automation and control systems for the production of blown films. Con- trex completes the offer of the Moretto group, already leader in the production of auxiliary equipment for the transfor- mation of plastic materials, aiming today at excellence also in specific solutions for blown film extrusion. Quality and high technological content are the common features that link all the products offered by the Paduan group. Contrex offers a series of specific pro- ducts in order to optimize and manage dozens variables, which intervene during the extrusion process of blown films, and to realize a high quality finished product, such as: Continuous loss-in-weight dos- ing units (from 2 to 12 materials); Cool- ing rings for film control; Film thickness in-line control systems; Extrusion plants supervising system. The extruder dosing and conveying phases are fundamental for the stability of the extrusion process. Contrex has developed adaptable loss- in-weight dosing systems for every re- quirement, which guarantee: constant and high precise dosing, production sta- bility, quick start and production change- over. At K Show, the entire range of loss-in-weight dosing units will be dis- played. DBK GRAMIXO, batch dosing unit equip- ped with continuous loss-in-weight con- trol of extruder feeding, manages the ex- truder and the speed of the line to keep the weight–per-meter ratio of the extruded pro- duct constant in time. The machine is charac- terized by its extreme precision, thanks to the double weighing cell control. Precise and ac- curate dosing (0.01%) is guaranteed by exclu- sive dosing double eye- lid shutter device and the Rotopulse techno- logy. With a reaction time of only 25 millise- conds, this system is able to dose up to six components creating accurate blends. Gramixo is designed to be installed directly on the processing machine, thanks to the exclusive immu- nity vibration system. Gramixo is easy to use for both the production, thanks to the quick discharge system of hoppers that allows a quick production change avoiding machine downtime, and for the cleaning, as it is equipped with inclined and removable mixing chamber, allowing the total discharge and easy maintenan- ce. The wireless control with object-oriented interface is also super easy, as it includes connection to Ethernet, USB, RS485 and MOWIS, the Moretto innovative supervi- sing system. GRAVICO is the multicomponent con- ➠ PlasticsEurope Deutschland e. V. www.plasticsshapethefuture.de K 2019: Hall 6, Stand C40 NGO, die über Maßnahmen zur Sensibili- sierung mittels CleanUp-Events und an- derer lokaler Maßnahmen informiert. So liefert die Sonderschau globale, europäi- sche, regionale und lokale Antworten für gesellschaftliche Megatrends, die die Menschen aktuell bewegen. Die Sonderschau ergänzt bereits zum zehnten Mal das umfangreiche Ausstel- lungsangebot der K und steht dabei wie schon 2016 unter dem Motto Plastics shape the future . Einen Blick speziell in die Zukunft von Robotik und KI bieten hier während der Messe junge Forscher des FabLab Lübeck e.V.. Ebenfalls regel- mäßig dabei ist wieder der Chemiker und Entertainer Dr. Gerhard Heywang: Mit seinen spannenden Kunststoff-Expe- rimenten, die er je nach Bedarf in deut- scher oder englischer Sprache präsen- tiert, hinterlässt er sicher wieder stau- nende und begeisterte Messebesucher. Sportlichen Glanz verbreitet die Sonder- schau am Golden Sunday: Mehrere Ka- nu-Olympiasieger sowie Kanu-WM- und -EM-Titelträger vom Team Kunststoff, der Sponsoringinitiative der Kunststoffer- zeuger in Deutschland, geben sich die Ehre auf der K, beantworten Fragen und posieren für Erinnerungsfotos. Das detaillierte Programm der K 2019 Sonderschau ist verfügbar unter: