Extrusion 7-2019

12 Branche Intern Extrusion 7/2019 ➠ Adsale Exhibition Services Ltd. www.ChinaplasOnline.com available now. CHINAPLAS is currently Asia's No. 1 and the World’s leading plastics and rubber trade fair and certi- fied by UFI (The Global Associa- tion of the Exhi- bition Industry) since 2006. With the support of worldwide exhibitors, CHINA- PLAS is not only an effective business ex- change platform but also a crucial hub for innovative and focal technologies for the industry. Through a full spectrum of product demonstration and collaborative activities, the show is casting the spot- light on “Smart Manufacturing, Innovati- ve Materials, Green and Circular Soluti- ons”. Visitors are happy to explore the turnkey solutions, covering chemical raw materials, machinery, and equipment n A successful CHINAPLAS 2019 con- cluded its four-day show in Guangzhou this May. The hot and rainy weather prior to the 33rd edition of show did not hamper the enthusiasm of visitors, who were inspired by smart manufacturing, innovative materials, and green & circu- lar solutions. A total of 163,314 profes- sional buyers from all over the world vi- sited CHINAPLAS during the four days. CHINAPLAS 2019 recorded the highest visitor count in Guangzhou editions’ his- tory. CHINAPLAS 2019 attracted 163,314 professional buyers. The number of over- seas visitors totaled 37,170, accounting for 22.8% of the total. They came from 150 countries and regions, including Bra- zil, India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippin- es, Russia, Singapore, Thailand, Turkey, Vietnam, and the United States. Com- pared with the Guangzhou edition of show two years ago, the number of visi- tors increased 8,056. Grouped by job titl- es, 26.4% of visitors were Manager/As- sistant Manager/Supervisor. 23.0% of vi- sitors were Managing Director/General Manager/ Plant Manager. Percentage of Technician took 13.3% while percentage of research/academic personnel took another 12.9%. According to a survey conducted onsite by the show organizer, 90% of visitors commented that the variety of the new products/technologies was good to ex- cellent. 94% of visitors concluded the quality of exhibitors was good to excel- lent. And encouragingly, 93% of visitors expressed that the overall performance of the exhibition was good to excellent. 3,622 exhibitors from 46 countries and regions participated in CHINAPLAS 2019. 95% of them concluded the exhi- bition result from satisfactory to very fruitful, which has brought great bene- fits and opportunities for them. 3,622 global exhibitors showcased their inno- vative products and technologies, includ- ing 180+ worldwide or Asia debut of new and hot technologies, 130+ energy- saving and emission-reducing solutions, 160+ recycling and recovery technolo- gies, and 1,400+ automation solutions. A full CHINAPLAS 2019 show report is CHINAPLAS 2019 Show Report needed by Asian manufacturing. They can also take a step forward to grasp the countless opportunities in rising markets of China and Asia. The next edition of CHINAPLAS will ro- tate to Shanghai, on April 21-24, 2020 , with the exhibition area of 340,000 sqm. It’s expected that the fair will create brilliant achievements and break new records in next year. Das Thema „Recycling von Kunststoffen“ steht im Fokus eines neuen Weiterbildungs- angebots beim SKZ in Würzburg deren sinnvoller Wiederverwertbarkeit angebracht. Dabei werden viele äußerst positive Entwicklungen im Bereich der generellen Recyclingfähigkeit und vor al- lem der stark wachsenden Mengen an recycelten und wiedereingesetzten Kunststoffen meist völlig außer Acht ge- lassen. Bei der industriellen Entwicklung der un- terschiedlichen Recyclingtechnologien 4. bis 5. Dezember 2019, Würzburg n Kein Thema wird aktuell so kontrovers diskutiert wie das Thema Recycling von Kunststoffen. In den Medien wird hier häufig ein negatives Bild von Kunststof- fen, Kunststoffverpackungen und Ein- wegprodukten und deren Recycelbarkeit skizziert. Das Thema wird häufig emotio- nal diskutiert – eher selten werden sach- liche Argumente oder Fakten rund um das Für und Wider von Kunststoffprodukten und “Recycling von Kunststoffen”