Extrusion 8-2017

11 Extrusion 8/2017 ➠ NuernbergMesse India Pvt. Ltd. powtechindia.com auf der POWTECH 2017 in Nürnberg be- kannt gegeben. Der Name steht für das gewachsene Angebot der Messe und be- tont die Zugehörigkeit zur POWTECH World, dem Verbund der global führen- den Fachmessen für Pulver- und Schütt- gutverarbeitung sowie mechanische Ver- fahrenstechnik. „Seit ihrer Gründung 2010 ist das The- men- und Angebotsspektrum der Fach- messe immer größer und die Durchfüh- rung professioneller geworden. Hier tref- fen Aussteller präzise auf ihre Zielgrup- pen. Der neue Name ‚POWTECH India‘ und der Untertitel ‚India’s Leading Tech- nology Expo for Processing, Analysis and Handling of Powder & Bulk Solids‘ ver- deutlichen dies“, erläutert Sajid Desai, CEO, NürnbergMesse India. „Wir freuen uns, die engen Verbindungen zur Bran- chen-Leitmesse POWTECH nun auch im Namen zu tragen.“ Petra Wolf, Mitglied der Geschäftslei- tung NürnbergMesse GmbH, ergänzt: „Der Messeverbund POWTECH World ist mit Veranstaltungen in Brasilien, China, Indien und Deutschland das führende Netzwerk der globalen Schüttgut-Com- munity. Der neue Messename POWTECH India beweist, dass wir von der Qualität und der Ausrichtung dieser internationa- len Fachmessen überzeugt sind. Auch in Zukunft werden wir POWTECH India und die weiteren POWTECH World Events mit Partnern vor Ort langfristig weiter entwickeln und schärfen.“ . ➠ AMAPLAST www.amaplast.org EU have increased by over twenty per- centage points with respect to the first six months of 2016, and a similar up- surge is recorded across the rest of Europe generally. It is worth underscor- ing the positive performance in Russia, where the value of sales more than dou- bled from approximately 21 to nearly 50 million euros. Performance by geography – the Americas : The Americas absorbed a fifth of Italian exports in the sector, with an increase on the order of ten percenta- ge points, imputable mainly to growth in Latin American markets, with Brazil in the lead (+73%). The NAFTA countries, on the other hand, recorded more mo- dest growth, due to a slowdown in sales to Mexico. Performance by geography – Asia : Sales to Asian countries remained rather stagnant, conditioned by a drop in ex- ports to the Middle East in general, and specifically to Saudi Arabia and Iran. Sales to the Far East did not fare much better, dragged down by the -12% re- corded for China, which was certainly not offset by the +1% to India (just look- ing at the two principal markets in the area). Performance by geography – Africa : While the aggregate sales to Africa are modest in value, Mediterranean coun- tries and Sub-Saharan countries both re- corded an increase approaching twenty percentage points. “It should be noted,” points out the sa- tisfied president of Amaplast Alessandro Grassi, “that the recovery in supplies to n Sustained Growth in Foreign Trade : Imports up by 9.1 percent, exports by 14.6 percent: these are the results of the first half of 2017 with respect to the same period in 2016 based on the analy- sis of ISTAT foreign trade data by the Amaplast Statistical Studies Center. The two trends point to further improve- ment in the positive balance of trade for the sector (by more than 1.1 billion euros), with an increase of seventeen percentage points compared to January- June 2016. While imports have slightly slowed down with respect to year-end 2016 and the first months of 2017, sales abroad confirm the robust double-digit growth that has cha- racterized the entire first half of 2017. As regards exports – the main outlet for national production in the sector – Italian manufacturers may consider themselves satisfied both as regards the range of products and in terms of the geography of sales. Performance by machine type : With the exception of negative performance in plants for mono- and multi-filament, blow moulding machines, and machines for foamed materials, all machine types have recorded marked improvement in foreign demand, and particularly extrusi- on lines (+17% over the previous year), flexographic printers (+23%), thermofor- ming machines (+37%), and moulds (+18%), just to mention some of the principal customs codes. Performance by geography – Europe : As for outlets, Europe remains the princi- pal destination market. Sales within the Sustained Growth in Foreign Trade important historical markets such as Rus- sian and Brazil, which were sputtering in the recent past due to their respective, well publicized economic and political problems, gives a quite significant boost in confidence for companies in our sec- tor. The end-of-June statistics high- lighting continuing growth in exports for the sector,” continues Grassi, “are an important signal for Italian manufactu- rers of plastics and rubber processing machinery, equipment, and moulds, who thus have a more tangible perception of recovery in their market and can look forward to a new record in production and exports at year end. Companies also note a parallel recovery in the domestic market, sustained in part by the stimulus measures implemented by the Italian go- vernment to support investment by ma- nufacturers within an “Industry 4.0” ap- proach. Italian manufacturers of plastics and rubber processing machinery are ready to contribute to the process by providing cutting-edge, competitive sys- tems.” Alessandro Grassi, presidente Amaplast