Extrusion 8-2018

12 Branche Intern Extrusion 8/2018 be promoted to a prime position, leading exhibitors and visitors to explore the enormous potential." She further added: "We have just participated in the 28th Asia Plastics Forum & 17th Term AFPI Conference (2016 - 2018) held in Bang- kok, Thailand this September. Under the theme 'Creating Sustainable Value through Circular Economy', local govern- ment, industry associations, raw material suppliers and brand owners shared their ways to treat waste plastics and protect the environment. It demon- strates that circular economy is a big to- pic among the plastics industry globally. In addition to circular economy, we are also paying attention to new market trends and demands, such as the new business opportunities that the ‘Belt and Road Initiative' has spawned in the plas- tics and rubber industries, as well as May 21-24, 2019, Guangzhou, PR China n Technological innovation, on one hand, favours the acceleration of mo- dern development as well as changes in various markets, while on the other, is driven by the latter two. CHINAPLAS, being a prominent platform for innovati- ve technology and communication, is highly responsive to the needs and the trends, and always brings in new ele- ments, perpetually providing energy to the plastics and rubber industries. "Circular Economy" as a megatrend - after "Industry 4.0" : To foster circular economy is a global consensus and is a major Chinese economic and social de- velopment strategy to achieve sustaina- ble development. As such, great potenti- al and bounteous market opportunities arise with it. Ada Leung, General Mana- ger of Adsale Exhibition Services Ltd., or- ganizer of CHINAPLAS, said: "It's going to be the 33rd edition of CHINAPLAS in 2019. Every time, it responds to the mar- ket demand and introduces new moves accordingly. In the past three editions of show, we have boosted the significance of Industry 4.0. After that, circular eco- nomy will be the next big trend. We've been aware of circular economy for some time. As early as 2011, we launched the 'Bioplastics Zone', introducing biodegra- dable plastics and bio-based plastics. We have also set up a 'Recycling Technology Zone' since 2016 in Shanghai. The show lineup continues to grow. In the upco- ming CHINAPLAS, circular economy will changes in the world economic situati- on, opportunities and challenges for pla- stics innovations resulting from Sino-US trade debate, etc. Therefore, this year, we are striving to expand overseas mar- kets, and have launched publicity in ASE- AN countries and key countries along the 'Belt and Road Initiative', sending staff there to invite local associations and enterprises to visit CHINAPLAS. The aim is to help exhibitors explore new busi- ness opportunities so as to increase re- turn on their investment." Big names adopt Recycled Plastics for appealing benefits : The modeling of big brands has massive influence on the implementation of circular economy, and more and more big names have an- nounced their environmental protection policies of recycling. The core of circular economy is the effi- cient use and recycling of resources, and plastic waste recycling is an indispensa- ble part. It is predicted that by 2025, China, one of the world's largest waste plastics recycling countries, will produce urban solid waste amounting to nearly a quarter of the world's total. And we know that by improving the recycling rate of waste plastics, the development of a circular economy can be greatly pro- moted. Renewable resource recovery system reforms in light of raw materials shortage : The market is huge, but raw materials are scarce, for first, the "Imple- mentation Plan on Advancing Reform of "Recycling Technology Zone" was set up since 2016 and this topic will be promoted to a prime position at CHINAPLAS 2019 An estimated total of more than 3,400 industrial leaders from around the world will be showcasing their products and solutions in an over 250,000 square meters of exhibition space CHINAPLAS 2019 to highlight Circular Economy