Extrusion 8-2019

11 Extrusion 8/2019 ➠ Adsale Exhibition Services Limited www.ChinaplasOnline.com lopment, new energy vehicles and auto lightweighting demonstrate strong po- tential. Driven by intelligent driving and Internet of Things, the auto industry is undergoing unprecedented changes. Manufacturers have an urgent demand for new materials, new equipment, ad- vanced processing technologies, auto- mation, and AI. Nations around the world are accelerat- ing their informationization as a strategic development priority. China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology is- sued its first 5G commercial licenses on June 6, 2019, drawing great attention. As the core infrastructure for the deploy- ment of big data, AI, virtual reality and other technologies, the scale-up of 5G will form a powerful driving force. Embrace Circular Economy : Under the pressure of environmental protection, how to properly dispose of and reuse plastics has been a question in the spot- light. Multiple cities in China are implem- enting waste sorting. The European Un- ion, Sweden, Canada, Peru, and other countries and regions have proposed plans to ban single-use plastic products. China escalated its waste ban to prohibit the import of all industrial waste plastics at the end of 2018, following the ban of imported consumer waste plastics at the end of 2017. India, Thailand, Malaysia, and other countries are also following the suit to ban imported solid plastic waste. To address these issues, plastics manufacturers need to continue to pro- mote reuse and recycling, plan out full n Economic and political uncertainty re- mains a top challenge for today's global manufacturing industry. A host of factors including trade friction, economic slowdown, and weakening demand from China are dampening manufactur- ing growth and leaving some sectors in a decline. In the meantime, China is push- ing to transform its manufacturing in- dustry to focus on higher quality and do- mestic market while encouraging foreign investment. During this economic downturn, leading companies are ready to pave the road for transition and transformation in order to convert challenges to opportunities. As a key industry indicator, the global leading tradeshow CHINAPLAS 2020 will zero in on market trends and buyer needs, pro- vide a high-tech, high-quality and high- value platform of technology innovati- ons, and help companies uncover new opportunities and grow in an ever- changing economic environment. The global auto industry is cooling down, as 2018 broke a 7-consecutive- year expansion. Global auto sales shrank to 95.6 million vehicles in 2018 caused by declines in Europe and China in the second half of the year. As the 28-year- long streak of brisk growth in the Chine- se auto market came to an end in 2018, industry players are facing unprecedent- ed pressure. With the market slowdown, auto com- panies are determined to seek changes and transform. On the front of environ- mental protection and sustainable deve- CHINAPLAS 2020 Empowers Plastics & Rubber Industries to Transform with New Opportunities product lifecycle to include recycling in advance, and provide environmentally friendly and recyclable innovative soluti- ons such as biodegradable plastics. Strengthen independent innovation The emergence of unilateralism, trade protectionism, and anti-globalization trends and the escalation of related ac- tions have also adversely impacted the global economy and the plastics and rubber industries. The key to transforma- tion lies in innovation. Companies can benefit from leveraging technological in- novation, enhancing independent inno- vative capability, increasing product va- lue and market competitiveness, adjust- ing strategy and deployment, and active- ly exploring domestic market and emerg- ing markets, thereby strengthening their risk resistance capacity. The grim economic environment is forc- ing companies to accelerate their trans- formation. CHINAPLAS 2020 will con- tinue to stress on technological innovati- on, with the focuses on " smart manu- facturing, innovative materials, green & circular economy ", tackle the pain points of the industries, help increase their competitiveness, and seek break- throughs in the difficult situation. CHINAPLAS is scheduled to return to Shanghai on April 21-24, 2020 . This iconic industry event is expected to pre- sent 340,000 square meters of exhibition space, bring together 3,900+ global ex- hibitors and 180,000+ visitors. On the front of environmental protection and sustainable development, new energy vehicles and auto lightweighting demonstrate strong potential