Media Kit

6 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ed. close 19. 01. 2024 Ad. close 05. 02. 2024 Public date 19. 02. 2024 Ed. close 15. 03. 2024 Ad. close 28. 03. 2024 Public date 17. 04. 2024 Ed. close 17. 05. 2024 Ad. close 29. 05. 2024 Public date 17. 06. 2024 Ed. close 01. 08. 2024 Ad. close 09. 08. 2024 Public date 26. 08. 2024 Ed. close 11. 09. 2024 Ad. close 25. 09. 2024 Public date 09. 10. 2024 Ed. close 22. 11. 2024 Ad. close 29 11. 2024 Public date 16. 12. 2024 chiNAPlAs (23. - 26. 04. 2024) Pipe + Profile Extrusion Advanced Extrusion Peripherals, Material Handling Review Special Show Issue DiGitAl issue + PriNt VersiON tO the biG trADe fAirs PlANNiNG cAleNDAr 202 4 Plastpol (21. - 23. 05. 2024) NPE2024 (06. - 10. 05. 2024) Recycling and Resource Saving, Compounding fAkuMA (15. - 19. 10. 2024) Plast imagen Mexico 2024 Plast Eurasia Istanbul 2024 Film Extrusion + Thermoforming Measuring Technology + Quality Control fAkuMA (15. - 19. 10. 2024) Circular Economy, Compounding