Media Kit

8 1 2 Ed. close 06. 03. 2024 Ad. close 20. 03. 2024 Public date 05. 04. 2024 Ed. close 18. 10. 2024 Ad. close 07. 11. 2024 Public date 26. 11. 2024 Advanced Extrusion Peripherals Rates for specified positions: Second and back cover 25% Other special positions 20% Discounts: annual contract (year of insertion) Frequency discounts: 2 x 3%, 3 x 5% No discount for Frontpage and loose inserts. Combination discount: 5% Granted if you advertise in two or more magazines of VM Verlag GmbH. No charge for standard colours and bleed size! Special colours on request. Discounts: annual contract (year of insertion). 1/3 page € 1.420,- 1/4 page € 1.130,- 1/8 page € 600,- 1/16 page € 350,- Front page € 4.500,- 1/1 page € 4.000,- 2/3 page € 3.000,- 1/2 page € 2.100,- Junior page € 3.250,- Founded in 1997 i 202 4 : Volume 2 8 Frequency: 2 times a year language: mandarin/English send to a qualified readership of 5.200 Issue 1 has an additional printed version, which is distributed at fair ChinaPlas 2024 (only if fair take place). DiGitAl issue + PriNt VersiON tO the biG trADe fAirs PlANNiNG cAleNDAr 202 4 chiNAPlAs (23. - 26. 04. 2024) Measuring Technology, Circular Economy