Media Kit

9 specialized web portal • News about relevant products and events • Detailed reviews of various smart technologies • Case studies from processors • Video clips demonstrating smart equipment in live action • Latest magazines available for reading and downloading • Weekly e-mail newsletters in 4 languages: English, German, Russian and Chinese 38. 4 00+ average monthly visits A. Through-type banners These banners are displayed at every page of the website. Maximum rotation is 5 customers per spot. Size Pixel 3 months 6 months 12 months A1 1146x100 € 2 . 219 ,- € 3 . 691 ,- € 5 . 911 ,- A2 368x420 € 1 . 667 ,- € 2 . 771 ,- € 4 . 439 ,- A3 368x120 € 747 ,- € 1 . 230 ,- € 1 . 978 ,- A4 1146x60 € 931 ,- € 1 . 541 ,- € 2 . 461 ,- B. News banners These banners are displayed at the homepage and at the pages of “News” section only. Maximum rotation is 5 customers per spot. Size Pixel 3 months 6 months 12 months C. Through-type banners There could be several banners C1, one below the other at every page of the website. Maximum rotation is 5 customers per spot. Size Pixel 3 months 6 months 12 months C1 368x250 € 1. 667 ,- € 2. 771 ,- € 4 . 439 ,- B1 746x90 € 1.667 ,- € 2 . 771 ,- € 4 . 439 ,- B2 242x60 € 678 ,- € 1.104 ,- € 1.725 ,- B3 746x90 € 1.104 ,- € 1.840 ,- € 2.955 ,-