Plastivision Arabia 2016
22. – 25.02.2016
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Expo Centre Sharjah
Composites 2016
07. – 09.03.2016
Vienna / Austria
Hotel Savoyen
www.amiconferences.comJEC World
08. – 10.03.2016
Paris / France
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www.jeccomposites.comwire 2016, Tube 2016
04. – 08.04.2016
Duesseldorf / Germany
Messe Duesseldorf GmbH
www.tube.deCHINAPLAS 2016
25. – 28.04.2016
Shanghai / P.R.China
Adsale Exhibition Services Ltd
www.ChinaplasOnline.comExtrusion International 1/2016
www.BST-ProControl.deBST ProControl GmbH looks back upon equally eventful as well as successful months.
The company, specialized in the quality control and measurement of flat materials, deci-
ded to close its subsidiary in Rengsdorf Germany, immediately at the beginning of 2015.
All employees were transferred to the BST ProControl Headquarters. Michael Hecht, Ma-
naging Director of BST ProControl explains: “This decision, and subsequently the delibe-
rate choice to concentrate solely on our location in Wenden, has proved to be the right
move. Since all the teams operate now under one roof, we were able to optimize our pro-
cesses and facilitate the communication between the different departments.” This is one
of the main reasons for the sales increase of 30% during the last few months. The eco-
nomic success has been obtained also by using the existing synergies, which are given due
to the allegiance to BST eltromat. Michael Hecht elaborates contently: “We were even able
to exceed our business goals set for 2015”. He adds that the many joint projects with the
parent group contributed, among other things, to the company’s success.
Furthermore, BST ProControl was able to expand its back office. The office was reorgani-
zed and attends now to more than 3000 systems worldwide. The 24/7 service hotline is
also used more frequently by customers. As a result, the company provides an interface bet-
ween the customers and the in-house service technicians. In this way, an increase in trans-
parency is given and the technical performance, the controlling as well as the evaluation
of the performed work run even faster and more smoothly. The positive response speaks
for it-self.
The in-house developed software solution INDICON XL is especially well received on the
product site. The solution does not only provide fast response possibilities and an easy
handling, but offers also state-of-the-art control and regulation possibilities. In combina-
tion with the sophisticated sensor solutions, an economical and efficient production is en-
sured. Michael Hecht sums up: “We were furthermore able to expand our portfolio in the
field of non-radiometric sensors. In this way, we are responding to a market trend that will
surely secure us a good order position in the upcoming year.”
An eventful and successful year