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Extrusion Asia Edition 1/2016



崭新的 SZA 73c 堆叠系统总结了三种旧款堆叠系统的特

点而成功研发: SE 73, SZA 73 和 SZS 73,新的堆叠系统一大




等。用于以往SE 73, SZA 73 和 SZS 73的堆叠模具亦适用于


达的驱动,提升SZA 73c 的堆叠速度和稳定性,更能配合

RDM-K 热成型机的高产量生产速度,解决了以往因堆叠机的


叠系统里,SZA 73c 的堆叠速度能最高达到每分钟40 模次,

在毛刷式堆叠系统里SZA 73c 的堆叠速度能最高达到每分钟

33 模次。

2016中国国际橡塑展: 展台号 E1 A45

Chinaplas 2016: Booth E1 A45

used as inline systems with pre-linked extruders, e.g. for large-

volume production of drinking cups in quantities of millions.

The ILLIG IC operating concept also supports the aspects rele-

vant for large-volume production very effectively. Besides mo-

dules used for general process optimization, e.g. the self adap-

tive start-up (sas-up) during material or mold change, mainly IC

modules are employed which ensure high productivity and re-

liability of a production line and at the same time help to mini-

mize operation costs.

The new SZA 73c stacking machine is suitable for all tasks

which so far were performed by three stacking systems: SE 73,

SZA 73 and SZS 73. For this purpose the SZA 73c can be

equipped variably with different discharge options. When the

application changes the discharge system can be easily adjus-

ted thanks to the modular design. The following variants are

available: Infinitely per cage or counted per cage, counted in

layers or counted in stacks. Existing molds can still be used. Due

to the fact that now a servo drive is employed as well, sequenc-

ing of forming station and stacking unit can be optimally syn-

chronized. Thermoforming systems where in the past the per-

formance was limited by the stacking units can now achieve

higher productivity with existing molds as well. The SZA 73c

performance exceeds the performance of previous versions

with speeds of up to 40 cycles per minute achieved with latch

stacking and 33 cycles per minute with brush stacking.

ILLIG Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG

Robert-Bosch-Straße 10, 74081 Heilbronn, Germany

Engineering Value

Top performer in pipe extrusion

First class machinery and integrated

production systems from a single source

Chinaplas 2016,

Area A10 between E1 and W1