Extrusion International 3/2016
www.maag.comMaag Expands Service Footprint in Southeast Asia
Maag, a global manufacturer of
gear pumps, pelletizing systems, and
melt filtration systems, has announced
the opening of a new rotor sharpening
workshop at its Gala Industries sales
and service center in Thailand. The new
rotor sharpening service for strand pel-
letizers will expand Maag’s service foot-
print in Southeast Asia, which is one of
the world’s fastest-growing regions for
plastics manufacturing and processing.
It is the seventh rotor sharpening work-
shop for Maag, expanding the compa-
ny’s capabilities beyond Brazil, China,
Germany, Malaysia, Taiwan, and the
“This new sharpening center bolsters our overall effort in Thai-
land and Southeast Asia in general,” said Thomas Willemsen,
vice president of business development for After Sales and
Service Centers. “This expansion will take us to another level in
terms of customer service. Combined with our already existing
sharpening center in Malaysia we are now able to offer our high
quality sharpening service to a much wider customer base.”
The new sharpening center, which opened May 1, is located at
Gala Industries Thailand’s Chonburi Province site, which has
been in operation since 2008. The sales and service center hou-
ses a showroom for Maag’s complete line of products, a de-
monstration center which includes a complete purpose-built
underwater pelletizing system for customer trials, and additional
Simply Better Together
Oldenburg Kunststoff-Technik GmbH closely assesses the
skills of its service providers and each year selects the best
supplier. NGR Next Generation Recyclingmaschinen GmbH
from Austria is delighted to be named the 2015 Supplier of
the Year. NGR impressed the German PE film pros with cutting
edge technology, advice as a partner, and rapid service sup-
Bubble wrap, foam sheets, stretch film (blown and cast-film):
Up to 11,000 tons of high-quality PE films annually leave the
production facilities of Oldenburg Kunststoff-Technik. At two
sites in Bavaria – Chieming/Egerer and Hart – orders are not
only fulfilled but are also custom-assembled. To make opti-
mal use of the valuable PE material, much of the production
equipment has been built by the company itself – based on
the technical knowledge of its founder Dr Heinz Oldenburg,
a trained mechanical engineer with a doctorate in plastics en-
Thailand office of Maag/Gala
gineering, as well as the expertise of the company’s 110 ex-
perienced employees.
Continual supplier ratings show who you can count on
The high level of care and the high standards that Dr. Olden-
burg and his colleagues place on their products and produc-
tion machinery also apply to all the suppliers that work with
Oldenburg Kunststoff-Technik. For NGR, this means that the
company is not measured strictly on the technical perfor-
mance of its recycling machines. Oldenburg Kunststoff-Tech-
nik continuously checks and rates punctuality, reliability of
service or problem-solving skills of NGR employees. At the
German PE film manufacturer, a total of three recycling solu-
tions from NGR are in use. Two machines in the E: GRAN film
series (since 2014 and 2015) provide inline high-quality re-
cycling of film edge trim. Additionally, Oldenburg Kunststoff-
room for spare parts and inventory, and equipment sales and
service. The Thailand sales and service center employs about 12
Thailand is a key Asian business hub because of its strong infra-
structure, large petrochemical and plastics market, and broad
global automotive base.
Plans call for an open house to be scheduled in late June. Maag
also announced that additional customer service offerings in
Southeast Asia will be launched over the next three months.