Extrusion International 3/2016
Houses made of WPC profiles
As the main sponsor, battenfeld-cincinnati impressed the international visitors from 24 countries again
this year with its live demonstration during the successful WPC conference organized by Applied
Market Information Ltd. (AMI), Bristol, UK. 110 visitors came to Vienna to gather information about
the latest developments in the wood-plastic composites sector from presentations, exhibits and the
demonstration of a WPC line at the technical lab of battenfeld-cincinnati Austria. They were not
disappointed. This year, the main focus lay on the topical subject of “WPC profile production for
temporary housing”. A “Simply Housing” model house from TechWood International, UK,
was showcased, and an H profile extruded, which is used as a connecting element in the house
The extrusion line with the fiberEX 93-34D
extruder, on which an H profile
was produced
The “Simply Housing” model house from
TechWood International demonstrated the
wide range of possibilities which
temporary housing made of WPC profiles
has to offer
Quickly assembled, safe and inexpensive