Extrusion International 3/2016
www.kraussmaffeiberstorff.comTwin-strand technology –produced
locally with German engineering –
to reduce unit wage costs
"Economical production, high outputs
and perfect end product quality have
also long been standard requirements
in the mechanical engineering and sy-
stem construction industry in China,"
emphasized Michael Hofhus, Vice Pre-
sident Extrusion at KraussMaffei Ber-
storff in China. "As a competent system
supplier, we have been satisfying preci-
sely these needs of our customers
through our product portfolio in the
Performance Series from our plant in
Haiyan for several years. On a highly
competitive local market processors
focus on both quality and lower unit
wage costs," said Hofhus. The twin-
strandline, which will produce PP-R
pipes live from 12.00 to 13.30, will de-
monstrate very clearly how economical
production functions in a confined
space. The line will produce PP-R pipes
with a diameter between 20 and 40
mm at a speed of up to 25 m/min per
strand and an axial distance of 450 mm.
The core components of the line are the
single-screw extruder KME 75-30 B/R,
two co-extruders KME 20-25 D/C for
strip production and two pipe heads
KM-RKW 32 from the locally produced
Performance Series. The line is comple-
ted by other components ranging from
a suction conveyor, a cooling zone, a
saw and a haul-off through to a drop
off table. The C6 line control system en-
sures optimum monitoring and safe
process control.
Expansion of the market position thanks
to the successful Performance Series
"In the last few years we have placed
complete lines up to a diameter of 1200
mm on the market. However, we are
not only very successful as a system
supplier for complete lines, but also in
business with individual machines,"
added Hofhus. "With our single-screw
extruder model KME 60-30 B/R from
the Performance Series, we offer pro-
cessors a suitable machine concept,
especially in regard to locally used ma-
terials," said Hofhus.
The 30D Series, an extension of the sin-
gle-screw seri es that has been used
successfully for many years, is perfectly
designed to process local PP-R material
thanks to its revised screw concept.
"The advantage here is the short pro-
cessing unit which ensures optimum
thermal and material melt homogeneity
with high output, and therefore a final
product of the highest possible quality.
KraussMaffei Berstorff
extrusion line
for production
of PP-R pipes
www.illig.deAnother important criterion for Chinese
producers who are increasingly setting
themselves apart from competitors on
the local market through high -quality
products," said Hofhus. The exhibit in
the 30D Series, which is produced at
the production plant in Haiyan, is equip-
ped with the new user-friendly C6 con-
trol system with its modern operating