Extrusion International 3/2016
he line has a range of diameters from 16 to 200 mm, with
SDR 6–11, and the new design 3-layer co-extrusion head
allows a configuration A-B-A or A-B-C with external coloured
Main Technical Features
The co-extrusion line configuration consists of four extruders:
EA60 Single Screw Extruder - (A) Internal/External Layer
EA75 Single Screw Extruder - (B) Middle Layer (Glass Fi-
bres/Mineral Filler)
EA60 Single Screw Extruder - (C) External Layer
A20 Single Screw Extruder - External Coloured Stripes
The extruders are fed by gravimetric system for a better con-
trol of the output and each screw and barrel undergo a spe-
cial antiabrasion treatment to process properly the glass fibres
or the mineral filler.
The production changeover, according to the chosen diame-
ter, is very quick because the whole re-tooling concept is de-
vised to minimize times and manual operator intervention.
The gauging measurement system continuously controls all
the parameters during the production process to ensure a
top quality pipes. The software manages the different reci-
Extrusion Line for Multiplayer
Pipes Production
AMUT continues to improve the
technology of lines producing PP pipes
with glass fibres and mineral filler
(calcium carbonate or barium sulphate).
The pipes extruded with this techno-
logy are used for hot water piping and
soundproofing drainage piping.
The glass fibres improve the elastic and
mechanical properties of the material,
the reduction in pipe thickness, main-
taining the same resistance level, and
the thermal expansion (less joints are
required). The quality of pipes is defini-
tely enhanced.