Extrusion International 3/2016
Waterless DMS-technology
for energy-efficient mould
area dehumidification
Injection moulding, thermo forming and blow moulding without condensation is possible.
Blue Air Systems’ basic range of MSP-Dehumidification units (with process air volumes between 1.000
and 10.000 Nm³/h) was complemented with the new DMS series (Dry Mould System), a dehumidifier
which works without the need for chilled water. An enclosed production area is supplied with dry air
with a dew point of 4°C (39,2°F). The DMS dehumidification units with process air volumes ranging
from 500 to 3.500 N³/h are now available.
he mould dehumidification units MSP are used mainly for
supplying dry air to a central dehumidification system. The
DMS series are specialized to be used for single production
machines (up to 3 units). At the K 2016, the DMS system for
high demanding injection moulding, extrusion blow moulding
or thermo forming applications will be demonstrated to the
trade visitors. As inventor of this game-changing technology,
Blue Air Systems has spent three intensive years developing,
testing and improving the system. The DMS units provide
year-round, condensation-free production conditions, inde-
pendent of ambient conditions, without the need for chilled
water needed for pre-cooling. This energy-efficient technol-
ogy guarantees the users of injection, blow moulding or ther-
moforming machines to run the shortest possible cycle times,
therefore guaranteeing higher production output. The DMS
series has been installed in various climatic areas, proving its
performance. A number of references prove their efficiency
and effectiveness.
The phenomenon of condensation on tempered moulds
When the surface temperature of an object sinks below the
dew point of the ambient air, condensation builds on this ob-
ject. This problem especially occurs on moulds of plastic pro-
cessing machines that are cooled by chilled water. The cooling
time, usually the longest part of the cycle time and one of the
most sensitive steps of the manufacturing process is an im-
portant figure that influences the cost factor of the entire pro-
duction process.
Dehumidification with the DMS unit (Dry Mould System) for
packing, PET pre-form production and many other highly
sophisticated applications