Extrusion International 3/2016
Sage and dry
The best solutions are always simple:
The transparent and robust blanketing motan
BO 1500 fits on all standard octabins and keeps
the contents at a defined moisture level with
minimal energy input,
even during longer production breaks
(Image: motan)
his can be prevented with the use of motan’s mobile
blanketing bins: The new type BB 60, suitable for 25kg
sacks, requires only minimal amount of oil and water free
air (adjustable according to the material between 0.06 and
0.6 m³/h) from the compressed air system to keep the gran-
ulate in its delivered condition for long periods of time. A
suction box enables the simple, dust free connection to the
material transport of the machine. The optional fill level
monitoring triggers an optical alarm when the minimal fill
level has been reached. Due to the rolling frame the blan-
keting bin is easy to operate and can be deployed flexibly.
Particularly for small part and micro injection moulding,
which often requires very narrowly tolerated material prop-
erties, stable processing parameters with minimal energy
input can be quaranteed. An option without blanketing bin
serves purely as a transport and storage container for gran-
ulate with low moisture affinity which keeps the material
safe from contamination. Both types also prevent material
losses due to direct use of sacks as well as contamination of
the material and uncleanliness around the machine.
Dry from the octabin into the machine
Larger material quantities are typically drawn from octabins
of varying sizes, provided that a central material supply is
not available. The danger of moisture absorption is also
present here after opening the inner foil, resulting in the
change of important material properties. This can be pre-
vented with a light weight yet robust blanketing cover BO
1500 made from polycarbonate from motan.
Two self-sealing openings for suction pipes with 45 and
60mm diameter as well as handles enable simple and safe
The interior of the octabin can be monitored due to the
transparent material. Very small amounts, adjustable be-
tween 0.24 and 3 m³, of oil and water free air from the
compressed air system prevent the absorption of moisture
even for extremely hygroscopic materials such as PA6.
This guaranties stable processes with minimal effort for the
entire length of the extraction from the octabin, even dur-
ing longer production breaks. Expensive and time-consum-
ing subsequent drying of open containers is saved.
An alternative cover without blanketing device is suitable
for use with materials which are not sensitive to moisture.
The ergonomic cover protects the contents from contami-
nation and the environment from granulate dust. Both
types can be used with all standard European octabins.
www.motan-colortronic.comProtecting small and large material quantities frommoisture
The blanketing bin BB 60,
suitable for 25kg sacks,
protects the granulate
from the absorption of
moisture and keeps the
area around the
processing machine clean
(Image: motan)
In order to protect sensitive materials from moisture absorption and
contamination, motan has developed a practice orientated system
that is easy to operate. Users typically use pre-dried plastic granulate
from sacks, particularly for small part production. If these sacks are
not speedily emptied during continuous production, the granulate
will, depending on the type, absorb moisture from the air relatively
quickly and the processing characteristics will be changed.