Extrusion International 3/2016
New generation winders
Reifenhäuser Cast Sheet Coating has consistently expanded and updated its portfolio of line
components, always with a clear focus on customers' needs. Especially with the introduction of the
new MIDEX-HSD winder model type Reifenhäuser was right on target: In 2015, five cast film lines
equipped with the new winder for the production of Polypropylene (CPP) packaging film were sold.
n Europe many producers prefer finished film rolls which can
be directly processed after storage without the need for
rewinding and slitting. In contrast to that, jumbo rolls are de-
manded outside Europe. Sales manager Mark Borutta explains
why: "Customers who want to use latest generation metalliz-
ers demand reel diameters of up to 1200 mm which, unlike
1000 mm diameter reels used so far, give 45 percent more
running film meters." The advantage is obvious: The metal-
lizer can be operated longer and thus more efficiently since
downtimes during a reel change can be reduced by one third
- that means 30 to 45 minutes, depending on the model type
and skills of the operator.
The new design of the MIDEX-HSD winder can handle such
large diameters without problem. Mark Borutta explains: "The
reel is no longer moved by a rotating arm or turret mecha-
nism, but slides horizontally onto the machine frame as the
diameter is growing. The working principle of the horizontal
slide winder enables considerably higher reel loads to be taken
up.“ The result is reels of larger diameters. These Reifenhäuser
The horizontal slide winder of the
MIDEX-HSD model type newly designed by
Reifenhäuser Cast Sheet Coating enables
to produce reel diameters of up to
1200 mm without problem The horizontal
slide winder of the MIDEX-HSD model type
newly designed by Reifenhäuser Cast
Sheet Coating enables to produce reel
diameters of up to 1200 mm
without problem
winders are designed as a standard to produce up to three
webs (additional webs are possible on demand). Depending
on the winding shaft used, the maximum reel diameter of
1200 mm can even be obtained with multi-web winding.
Beside the established rotary arm winders of the MIDEX-RA
model type that are specially designed for the production of
finished reels of smaller diameters up to 1000mms, the hori-
zontal slide winders of the MIDEX-HSD model type now added
to Reifenhäuser CSC's portfolio are suited for customers who
need large diameters to produce jumbo reels. Mark Borutta
takes a look into the future. "We are already about to plan
the next step", he says and explains further: "Should the trend
continue, especially for metallizers, we will make reel diame-
ters of 1500mm possible.“ CSC's range of products is com-
plemented by MIDEX-HSS horizontal slide winders that are
specially optimized for thicker and sturdier films, for example
barrier films.