Extrusion line for strapping tape
lines for technically demanding rawmaterials without the
need for customisation. These lines will now also include
the VACUREMA technology and as a next step will use
the proven Reimotec technology for high-quality strap-
ping tape.
www.reifenhauser.com www.reimotec.com www.erema.atDipl.-Volkswirt Bernd
CEO Reimotec Maschinen-
und Anlagenbau GmbH
Dipl.-Ing. Manfred Hackl,
CEO EREMA Engineering
Recycling Maschinenund
Anlagen Ges.m.b.H.
Extrusion International 4/2016
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K Düsseldorf
19-26 October 2016
Germany -
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with EREMA, the Austrian specialist for recycling of plas-
tic materials, thus gaining an invaluable supplier offering
another uniquely positioned technology.
EREMA offers the VACUREMA system, consisting of mod-
ular, scalable components that can be adapted to meet
the specific requirements of customers, depending on the
quality of their PET bottle flakes.
Both companies are technology leaders and have been
meeting the challenge of matching the ever increasing
demands on end product quality with the varying quality
of recycled raw materials for years, thanks to their inno-
vative products.
Reimotec customers are now able to adapt their lines
even better to the raw materials available as – in addition
to the tried-and-tested technologies using single-screw
and twin-screw extruders – they can now also obtain the
VACUREMA technology from a single source. At the same
time, EREMA customers can now use Reimotec’s proven
technology for the production of high-quality strapping
tapes. Both companies consider that one of their key
tasks is to increase benefits to their customers. As a result
of this expansion of the Reimotec portfolio, manufactur-
ers of strapping tape will in future be able to purchase