Branche Intern
Extrusion 7/2017
Davis-Standard, LLC
technology. The extruder is equipped
with an EPIC III
control system that fea-
tures a streamlined console, high-data
transmission rate and improved graphics.
It is also engineered with smart extruder
technology for preventative maintenan-
ce monitoring of vibration, oil compositi-
on, motor parameters, heater status,
screw wear algorithm and energy con-
sumption. Other advantages include a
high wear-resistant barrel and feedscrew,
an integrated melt pump with controls,
static mixer and an optimized mezzanine
To further advance mechanical, con-
trols and process development initiatives,
a next generation Thermatic
Series 4.5-
inch (114mm) extruder is available for
trials at Davis-Standard’s Extrusion Tech-
nology Development Center in Pawca-
tuck, Connecticut. The extruder, installed
in July, is being used for internal R&D
and product development for customers.
The extruder’s modern platform repre-
sents a collaborative effort among Davis-
Standard’s mechanical, electrical, process
and controls engineering departments to
create optimal processing for Davis-Stan-
dard’s full portfolio of extruder applicati-
ons from blown film to wire and cable. It
features enhancements across the board
and provides multiple possibilities with
L/D ratios of 24, 30 and 34:1. According
to John Christiano, Davis-Standard’s Vice
President of Technology, this extruder
epitomizes processing functionality and
the future of extrusion efficiency.
“This new extruder platform is a reflecti-
on of experience and collaboration. Be-
cause of its relevance across all extrusion
applications, it will serve as an excellent
platform to support our customer’s ex-
trusion needs now and for many years to
come,” said Christiano.
Features of the new Thermatic include
400 HP water-cooled motor technology,
a screw speed range up to 375 rpm, ad-
vanced and conventional vent diverter
geometry, an improved barrel cooling
system and next generation gearbox
New Development
Extruder installed
The extruder can be fit with the com-
plete line of Davis-Standard DSB
crews including the DSB I, DSB II, DSB III
and DSB III-Plus designs as well as the TS
DSBM, TS Metering and TS DS-Blend, in
addition to a variety of metering screws
and other specialized designs.
Davis-Standard’s Thermatic
Series 4.5-inch (114mm) extruder is available
for trials at Davis-Standard’s Extrusion Technology Development Center
in Pawcatuck, Connecticut
Dinnissen Process Technology
www.dinnissen.deKontinent in den vergangenen Jahren ei-
ne beeindruckende wirtschaftliche Ent-
wicklung vollzogen und bietet dadurch
für Dinnissen einen interessanten Ab-
satzmarkt für den Verkauf von Mischern,
Hammermühlen und Vakuum Coatern in
verschiedenen Sektoren.
Perry Konings, kaufmännischer Manager
bei Dinnissen Process Technology, erläu-
tert: “Mit der Einrichtung unseres Büros
für den asiatischen Markt in Indonesien
gehen wir einen wichtigen Schritt in die
Dinnissen Process Technology, mit
Standorten in den Niederlanden und
Deutschland, hat vor Kurzem ein Büro in
Indonesien eröffnet, in der Nähe von
Jakarta auf Java. Java ist das wirschaftli-
che Zentrum von Indonesien und ist Teil
des Plans der indonesischen Regierung,
das Land bis zum Jahr 2025 zu einem der
zehn größten Wirtschaftsländer der Welt
zu machen. Im Allgemeinen hat Asien als
Büro in Indonesien
Richtung weiterer Internationalisierung.
Während unserer laufenden Projekte
realisierten wir, dass, wenn wir den asia-
tischen Markt noch besser bedienen
wollen, wir ein Büro in Indonesien benö-
tigen.” Dinnissen erwartet mit der Ein-
richtung des Büros für den asiatischen
Markt, noch besser auf marktspezifische
Fragestellungen eingehen zu können.