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Extrusion 7/2017

Adsale Exhibition Services Ltd

and cost. “3D Technology Zone” will be

setup at CHINAPLAS 2018 to gather

leading suppliers of 3D technology.

Thermoplastic Elastomers & Rubber Zone

With improved performance, TPE and si-

licone rubbers are not only having wider

applications but also high-end applicati-

on, whether as lightweight materials in

automotive, soft touch materials in elec-

tronic devices, or a safe alternative of

medical plastics etc. Asia-Pacific region

consumes around 45 percent of the glo-

bal TPE supply, and the demand is still

rising. In response to this market trend,


CHINAPLAS, a technology-oriented

plastics and rubber trade fair, offers sus-

tainable manufacturing solutions for en-

terprises aiming at technological innova-

tion and upgrading. The next edition of

CHINAPLAS will move to the new Natio-

nal Exhibition and Convention Center

(NECC) in Shanghai – the largest single

block building and exhibition complex in

the world. With the new venue, it is ex-

pected that the exhibition area will in-

crease to 320,000 sq. meters, a 28 per-

cent growth compares with the last edi-

tion. About 4,000 domestics and inter-

national exhibitors will showcase 3,800+

sets of advanced machinery. It is antici-

pated that 150,000+ professional buyers

from 150 countries/ regions will visit the


Two new theme zones to debut at


“3D Technology

Zone” and “Thermoplastics Elastomers &

Rubber Zone” will be debut at CHINA-

PLAS 2018 in response to the rising mar-

ket demands.

3D Technology Zone

: Industrial 3D

printing is more technologically mature.

More industry sectors are adopting the

technology in their production or design

processes to cater for the market de-

mands of customization and small batch

production, while saving molding time

CHINAPLAS is ready for

New Breakthroughs

Thermoplastic Elastomers & Rubber Zone

is setup for the first time. Leading over-

seas and local suppliers will gather and

showcase their latest technologies and


18 theme zones to facilitate success-

ful sourcing of buyers

: With introducti-

on of the two new theme zones, there

are 18 theme zones at CHINAPLAS

2018. Theme zones to showcase ma-

chine exhibits include 3D Technology

Zone, Die & Mould Zone, Injection Mold-

ing Machinery Zone, Rubber Machinery

Zone, Auxiliary & Testing Equipment

Zone, Extrusion Machinery Zone, Plastic

Packaging Machinery Zone, Smart Ma-

nufacturing Technology Zone, Chinese

Export Machinery & Materials Zone, Film

Technology Zone, Recycling Technology

Zone. Theme zones to gather materials

suppliers include Additives Zone, Colour

Pigment and Masterbatch Zone, Thermo-

plastic Elastomers & Rubber Zone, Bio-

plastics Zone, Composite & High Perfor-

mance Materials Zone, Chemicals & Raw

Materials Zone and Semi-Finished Pro-

ducts Zone.

CHINAPLAS 2018 will be held on

24 - 27

April, 2018


Shanghai, PR China


Visitors pre-register before 11 February,

2018 will receive a badge in advance to

avoid long queue.

CHINAPLAS 2018 is ready to welcome visitors from around the world

It's expected that more than 150, 000 visitors from 150 countries/ regions will visit,

and that about 4,000 exhibitors will showcase their advanced machinery at