www.amutgroup.comSCGM Bhd, other Malaysian famous pro-
ducer of disposable articles, confirm
again their trust in AMUT-COMI techno-
logy purchasing four thermoforming ma-
chines – ACF820 new model – to pro-
duce containers in PP and PET. Lee Soon
Seng Plastic Industries are historical cus-
tomers of AMUT with 9 thermoforming
machines and they are recently expan-
ding the business with a new building in
Kulai, Johor, with an area of 7.8 acres.
SKP – Seow Khim Polyethelen – big play-
er in the packaging field in Singapore
choose AMUT-COMI thermoforming ma-
chine to make noodles bowls. The ma-
chine, AMP 630-GP model, is equipped
with 16-cavity mould for an hourly pro-
duction of 22.000 cups.
HUALI INDUSTRIES is one of the bigger
Piergianni Milani (right) with TYCOPLAS, Malaysia
Andrea Peretto, Piergianni Milani and Silvio Tavecchia with
SKP, Singapore
Extrusion 5/2017
Chinese producer of edgebanding for
furniture: the two twin lines bought
from AMUT to produce profiles in ABS
will inaugurate the new factory in Zheji-
ang Province.
na located, will have a complete plant
for waterproofing membranes in TPO,
configuration 2 or 3 layers with rein-
forcement in glass fiber or polyester. The
maximum width is 2.000 mm and the
output up to 2.200 kg/h. The mineral fil-
ler powders are extruded through in-line
CHIP MONG GROUP, well-known multi-
national Cambodian company, choose
AMUT as partner for the TPP project
which includes four lines to extrude rigid
pipes in UPVC for electrical and sewage
purpose, flex and corrugated pipes in
KLANG HOCK, company in Malaysia in-
volved in the flexible packaging sector,
will have in its factory a cast line for
stretch film with the new ACP High
Speed Winder with index of 18 sec. The
line has 1,5 mt width, output up to
1100 kg/hour, four extruders with L/D
1:40, 5-layer feed block and automatic
The new generation of winder repre-
sents the state of the art in stretch film
technology: the highspeed performance
at 750 mt/min has been already demons-
Premium Machine Quality for Chinese Pipe Formulations
for twin-strand systems," emphasizes
Kaijun Fan, Vice President of Extrusion in
China. The model – to be seen for the
first time at the Chinaplas in Guangzhou
– is designed for the performance range
of 130 to 360 kg/h and precisely mat-
ched to the local Chinese U-PVC formu-
lation. It is the ideal concept for the
lower performance range because tradi-
tionally more conical machine designs
are used here. "We therefore cover the
KraussMaffei Berstorff introduced the
KMD 63 K/R conical twin-screw extruder
into the Chinese market at Chinaplas
2017, expanding its performance range
in the U-PVC pipe sector for the lower
and medium output range.
"With the introduction of the conical
model, we will be able to professionally
handle the requirements of pipe produ-
cers for a robust machine with small dia-
meter ranges of up to 63 mm as well as
entire spectrum of pipe processing, as
the models of the 36D Performance se-
ries are still available for the high output
range in the U-PVC sector, and two spe-
cialized machines, the KMD 60 KK and
the KMD 90-26, are available for C-PVC
processing," says Fan.
Apart from the space-saving design, the
conical extruder features an outstanding
high-performance gearbox and a high
level of flexibility and process stability